I've been using a Polar Heart Rate Monitor for the past couple years to monitor my heart rate and calories burned. Since I got the Garmin watch for Mother's day, I've been using that one. One thing I really liked about the polar watch was that it based your calories burned off of your heart rate. It won't give you an exact number, but it's a lot more accurate because it is based off of your heart rate. When I started using the Garmin watch, I noticed it was only using a formula based on distance (kind of what a treadmill would use, so not very accurate). I did a little research, and I found out that my Garmin watch could upload a
new leaf profile and use that data to calculate calories and fat calories. That test is done with a mask and a metabolic cart - it can determine how many calories you burn based on your specific heart rate zones. I had that test done at a life time fitness about a year and a half ago. I was able to get my file, upload it into my watch, and now my watch tells me calories burned based on my specific metabolic profile. I'm excited because it will give me a more accurate number. This was the first time I used it while running. This run was kind of short, because right after I went to a conditioning class at the gym. My foot pod was still giving me strange numbers (especially while walking) but it was pretty close.
May 27 treadmill run on Garmin ConnectHeart Rate Chart
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